Procura de animais perdidos

Gato perdido Couture


Pasha, once seen never forgotten, beautiful white long haired female. One green eye and one blue eye, she is not deaf and knows her name. If anyone spots her it may be that she will need a trap to get her back home. It was a house move and she ran away the first day. Please help find my precious little Pasha. Please put food out for her if you see her. She is a very timid cat and will come across as a feral but she is not, she is a one women owner cat and is not used to other people. I am missing her so much.

  • Assustado/ medroso
  • White, long haired, one green one blue eye, not deaf, very timid


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Dernières informations

Último paradeiro conhecido

Visto a última vez

Data 16.08.2024
Hora 16:00
Morada All. des Sablons
16460 Couture
Charente (16)

Mises à jour

Data Emetteur Mensagens
16.08.2024 PetAlert L'alerte a été lancée. Merci d'apporter votre aide.
07.11.2024 Susanne Still missing, I am so sad
14.12.2024 Susanne I am so sorry Pasha for trusting someone else to look after you xx
06.01.2025 Susanne In my thoughts beautiful girl xxx
07.02.2025 Susanne I am so sorry that I let you down Pasha, you trusted me and I let you go to someone who was careless, I will always regret letting you go ❤️ xx

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gato perdidogato desaparecidodesaparecimento gatoprocura gatosos gatoalerta desaparecimentorede vigilânciapetalert 16 Charentepet alert 16 CharenteCouture16 CharenteCharente Couture

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